Sycurio Ltd (appellant) v PCI-PAL Plc & anr respondents)

Tuesday 21 May 2024

By an Appellant’s Notice filed on 3 January 2024 the Appellant appeals the Order, dated 18 December 2023 of Mrs Justice Bacon, in which she dismissed the claim for patent infringement, declared the Patent to be invalid and ordered it revoked.


1. The Applicant owned a patent (“the Patent”) that proposed a new a method of securely processing financial transactions made over the telephone.
2. It was the Applicant’s case that, inter alia, the Respondent’s Agent Assist configurations which carry DMTF signals in the SIP channel infringed on the Patent.
3. The appeal focuses on the Judge’s findings in relation to claim 9 in which the Judge considered the question of whether the Agent Assist system, in its various configurations, breached the Patent. The Judge found that the Agent Assist system fell outside the scope of claim 9 and dismissed the Applicant’s claim and declared the Patent to be invalid.

View hearing:

Part 1

Part 2