The Secretary of State for Health & ors (claimants/respondents) v Servier Laboratories Ltd & ors (defendants/appellants)

Wednesday 7 – Thursday 8 June 2023

The Secretary of State for Health & ors (claimants/respondents) v Servier Laboratories Ltd & ors (defendants/appellants)

By Appellants Notice filed on 19 April 2022, the First- Fourth Defendants (Servier) appeal paragraphs 1- 3 of Roth J’s order dated 26 April 2022 following his judgment dated 21 February 2022, following a Preliminary Issues trial, (1) giving judgment for the Claimants upon the Defences (2) ordering Servier to pay 80% of the Claimants’ costs of the Defences (3) ordering Servier to make payments on account of costs within 28 days of the date of the sealed order in the sums set out in the order

Three actions for damages are brought on behalf of the English Health authorities, the Welsh Health authorities and the Scottish and Northern Irish Health authorities against Servier (the Fourth Defendant is the parent company of the Servier group and the other Defendants are its subsidiaries).

The various Claimants allege that by reason of Servier’s anti competitive conduct the price of the pharmaceutical prescription only drug, perindopril (mainly used for cardiovascuar diseases) was higher than it would have been had generic suppliers entered the market.

View hearing:

Day 1

Part 1

Part 2

Day 2

Part 1

Part 2