Message from the Transparency and Open Justice Board: Engagement on Key Objectives
Have your say by 28 February 2025
The Transparency and Open Justice Board are seeking views on the Board’s proposed key objectives.
In April 2024, the Lady Chief Justice announced the creation of a new Transparency and Open Justice Board (“the Board”) that would “…set objectives for all Courts and Tribunals, focussing on timely and effective access in terms of listing, documents and public hearings. It will engage with the public and interested parties to make sure that these objectives properly reflect what should be delivered by a modern justice system.”
The Board’s proposed key objectives are published today.
The key objectives represent the high-level outcomes that, once finalised, will guide the Board’s work; help to identify areas where changes can and should be made; and, finally, will be used to measure the success of the Board’s work.
The Board is committed to engaging fully with a wide range of interested parties to make sure that the key objectives properly reflect what should be delivered by a modern justice system. The Board now seeks engagement with all interested parties on the key objectives.
I would encourage you to look at the key objectives and the explanatory notes and submit your views by answering three short questions at the end of the explanatory notes document by the end of Friday 28 February 2025.
If you have any immediate questions, please contact
Mr Justice Nicklin
Chair of the Transparency and Open Justice Board