Nine Senior and Area Coroners have been officially sworn into office.
They are:
Paul Appleton – Area Coroner, Manchester City
Nicholas Graham – Area Coroner, Oxfordshire
Paul Smith – Senior Coroner, Greater Lincolnshire
Tony Murphy – Area Coroner, London North
Hannah Godfrey – Area Coroner, Berkshire
Lydia Brown – Senior Coroner, London West
Jayne Wilkes – Area Coroner, Greater Lincolnshire
Daniel Howe – Area Coroner, Stoke and Staffordshire
Julian Morris – Senior Coroner, London Inner South.
The coroners all took the oath at the Royal Courts of Justice, in front of the Chief Coroner HHJ Thomas Teague KC.
As he is retiring in May 2024, this is the last swearing-in ceremony that the Chief Coroner will preside over.
Chief Coroner HHJ Thomas Teague KC
HHJ Teague told the coroners: “I should like to congratulate each of you on your appointment as a Senior or Area Coroner. You and your families will be justifiably proud of your achievements in joining the ranks of the judiciary of England and Wales.”
He added: “Let me welcome you to your new posts and wish you every success in your future judicial careers.”
You can read the Chief Coroner’s speech in full below.