Upcoming events

22 July 2024

The Family Justice Council will hold its tenth Open Meeting on Monday 22 July 2024 from 11am until 1.30pm.  The meeting will be held remotely via MS Teams.

The open meeting provides an opportunity for members of the public to see first-hand the Council at work. Guests will be able to obseve the meeting, which will conclude with a question-and-answer session. All questions will need to be submitted to the Council in advance.

Any questions for the Council will need to be submitted by Friday 21 June 2024, as this will allow time for any questions to be considered by the members. Please note that we may not be able to answer all questions submitted.

The closing date for registration to attend remotely is Tuesday 16 July 2024.

To register to attend the meeting and to submit a question to the Council, please complete the following form: FJC Open Meeting Registration form

The MS Teams link will be circulated to registered attendees on Friday 19 July 2024.

16 October 2024

Experts Symposium

The Family Justice Council Experts Sub-Committee will hold an Experts Symposium on 16 October in Cardiff, following on from the successful Birmingham Symposium in 2022. This event is for judiciary, medical professionals, medical students, legal practitioners, social workers and allied professions.

Event date: Wednesday 16 October, 10am-4.30pm [Registration from 10am]

Location: Cardiff or remotely via MS Teams

Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and Chair of the Family Justice Council will provide the opening address and the event will be hosted by Mr Justice David Williams, High Court judge and Chair of the FJC Experts in the Family Justice System Working Group. 

The aim of the symposium is both to provide an opportunity to undertake training in subjects of interests to experts, would-be experts and legal professionals but also to review progress in implementing the 22 Recommendations of the President’s Working Group Report (PDF) and to chart a way forward to continue that process.

Further details and the registration link will be provided in due course.

There will be no charge for attending this event and lunch will be provided.