Reporting Pilot
The reporting pilot is active in 19 DFJ areas across England and Wales.
The aim of the pilot is to introduce a presumption that legal bloggers and accredited media may report on what they see and hear during family court cases, subject to strict rules of anonymity. The ability to report is being piloted to make sure it can be done safely and with minimum disruption to those involved in the cases, and the courts. This will be done through judges in these Courts making a ‘Transparency Order’, which sets out the rules of what can and cannot be reported. The full details of the pilot are contained within the authoritative guidance (below) from the President of the Family Division. The Reporting Pilot is the pilot scheme for one of the main recommendations from the President of the Family Division’s Transparency Review in October 2021. To ensure that the recommendations of the review were implemented, the President set up the Transparency Implementation Group in December 2021. Since then, a sub-group of the TIG, led by Mrs Justice Lieven, supported by TIG secretary Jack Harrison, and composed of stakeholders from across family justice and beyond, have designed and set up the reporting pilot. This page will contain training videos and materials for parents, professionals, lawyers and reporters. Please refer to it throughout the pilot as more information and progress reports will be published. Please refer to it throughout the pilot as more information and progress reports will be published.