Specialist Civil Circuit Judge (Leeds) Pre-Application Seminar 2025


The Judicial Appointments Commission (external link) (JAC) will be launching a selection exercise in February to recruit a Specialist Civil Circuit Judge.

The seminar

The Judicial Office is organising a pre-application seminar that will take place online via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 28 January 2025 from 5-6pm.

The seminar aims to help applicants be better prepared to make an application and to receive up-to-date guidance and advice on the JAC’s selection process. As well as the JAC, you will also hear from a leadership judge and a current Specialist Civil Circuit Judge.

Who should attend?

Judicial office holders and practitioners from all backgrounds who have five years’ legal post qualification experience are welcome to attend.

A Circuit Judge must live within reasonable travelling distance of the courts at which they will sit upon appointment. Business and Property Courts hearings are conducted in person unless directed otherwise, therefore travel to the Court at which they sit is expected. There is no requirement for candidates to have previous judicial experience for this post.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate substantial knowledge and experience of Chancery law and procedure, with some experience in commercial law, work undertaken by the Circuit Commercial Court and of the Technology and Construction Court. It is expected that candidates’ evidence of knowledge and experience of Chancery law and procedure will be within the last seven years.

In addition, the successful candidate must be suitable for authorisation (upon appointment) to the pool of judges that act as a judge of the High Court under section 9(1) of the Senior Courts Act 1981, if not already authorised under that section.

Applications are particularly welcome from under-represented groups (women, ethnic minority candidates, disabled candidates, solicitors).

Find out more information on Circuit judges.

Further information

Read the JAC’s future vacancies page (external link).

Sign up for alerts for this recruitment campaign (external link).

For any queries regarding the recruitment campaign/selection exercise, please contact the JAC selection exercise team: 244SCCJLeeds@judicialappointments.gov.uk

For any queries regarding the pre-application seminar please email: JudicialHROutreachEvents@judiciary.uk  

Please note that although the Judicial Office will be running the pre-application seminar, the actual recruitment campaign is being done and led by the Judicial Appointments Commission.

Register for the event online now.