Article by The Hon Mr Justice MacDonald: The Remote Access Family Court – what have we learnt so far
It is a truism that we cannot know what the future will hold. Recently, this has been demonstrated to me in stark terms.
On 1 February 2020 I delivered a speech to the Four Jurisdictions conference, held in Malaga in the days when we could interact with each other face to face; in the days when we had only a vague notion of the storm that was even then approaching us all. The speech was entitled “Family Law – Past and Future” (see [2020] Fam Law 407).
The presentation looked back at the past twenty five years of family law and forward to the next twenty five. In looking forward, I sought to peer through a glass darkly in an attempt to perceive what challenges the next twenty five years might hold, and how we might begin to think about addressing them.