Coroners' Court
September 30, 2022
Appointment of two new Senior Coroners and eight new Area Coroners
All appointments were made following an open competition and after receiving the consent of the Chief Coroner and Lord Chancellor
September 13, 2022
Guidance No44: Disclosure
Introduction Obtaining disclosure Disclosure by the coroner to interested persons Extent and timing of disclosure 10. It is imperative that, subject to the restrictions on disclosure (which are beyond the remit of this Guidance), Interested Persons are given sufficient information at an early enough stage for them to participate fully in theinvestigation process. Where Interested […]
August 4, 2022
Guidance No.14 Mergers of Coroner Areas
Please read the updated guidance on the mergers of coroner areas
July 5, 2022
Chief Coroner’s Guidance No.34 COVID-19
Guidance Notes 35-38 have been absorbed into Guidance Note 34
June 28, 2022
Chief Coroner’s Guidance No.42 Remote Hearings
Guidance for Coroners in relation to remote attendance at hearings
June 28, 2022
Chief Coroner’s Guidance No. 29 Inquests in Writing and Rule 23 Evidence
This Guidance is to help coroners understand the new provisions and apply them, and to promote consistency of approach in relation to rule 23 and inquests in writing
June 22, 2022
Chief Coroner’s Guidance No. 43 Discontinuing an Investigation
This note explains the legislative amendments and provides guidance on the practical processes and forms
September 21, 2021
Chief Coroner’s Law Sheet No.1
Considerations for Coroner's in relation to murder, manslaughter and infanticide
September 7, 2021
Chief Coroner’s Guidance No.17 Conclusions: Short-Form and Narrative
The aim of this guidance is to assist coroners in the use of short-form and narrative conclusions and with a view to achieving greater consistency
September 7, 2021
Chief Coroner’s Guidance No.12 The Inquest Checklist
A checklist for Coroners when conducting inquests