The Court of Appeal (Civil Division) – Live streaming of court hearings

How and why are court cases being streamed online?

Most cases from the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) are live-streamed on the judiciary’s YouTube channel.
Live-streaming of selected cases began in 2019 to improve public access to, and understanding of, the work of the courts. We are working towards making it possible for all appropriate cases to be live streamed

View previous cases on the Court of Appeal video archive page

Friday 26 July 2024

Unitel S.A (claimant/respondent) v Unitel International Holdings B.V (defendant) & dos Santos (defendant/appellant)

By an Appellant’s Notice filed on 23 January 2023 the Appellant appeals the Order, dated 10 January 204, of Bright J sitting in the Commercial Court in which he granted the Respondent’s application for a worldwide freezing order against the Appellant.

Monday 29 – Tuesday 30 July 2024

Kingdom of Bahrain (defendant/appellant) v Shehabi & anr (claimants/respondents)

By Appellant’s Notice filed on the 7 November 2023 this is the Defendant’s appeal against the order made by Julian Knowles J, sitting in the King’s Bench Division, dated 1 March 2023 dismissing D’s application concerning state immunity. D also appeals against the order for costs.

The Cs claim they suffered an adjustment disorder when they discovered their computer had been infected with FinSpy spyware.

Cs allege that D secretly installed FinSpy on their computers, which allowed D to conduct surreptitious surveillance on them. The C claim damages for personal injury in the form of psychiatric injury which they say they suffered as a result.

D applied for order declaring that it is immune from jurisdiction of the court in relation to Cs’ claim under s1(1) State Immunity Act 1978 (SIA).

Tuesday 30 July 2024

George (respondent) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (appellant)

By Appellant’s Notice filed on the 16 August 2023, the Secretary of State appeal the decision of the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber dated 30 March 2023 whereby they dismissed the appeal of the Secretary of State against the decision of the First-tier Tribunal dated 4 March 2019.

Mr George is a Belgian National, aged 28 he has been resident in the UK for 20 years. The SSHD seeks to deport him because of his conviction for manslaughter in 2017 for which he received a sentence of 12 years imprisonment.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Providence Building Services Ltd (claimant/appellant) v Hexagon Housing Association Ltd (defendant/respondent)

By Appellant’s Notice filed on 24 November 2023, the Claimant appeals against the order made by Mr Adrian Williamson KC sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge, sitting in the technology and Construction Court, dated 7 November 2023.

He concluded:

(a) that it was necessary that a right to terminate under clause 8.9.3 must have first accrued before C could have the right to terminate its employment under clause 8.9.4;
(b) the C’s notice purporting to terminate contract was invalid for purposes of clause 8.9.4 and did not lawfully terminate C’s employment under the contract.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

TVIS Ltd (claimant/appellant) v Howserv Services Ltd & ors (defendants/respondents)

By Appellant’s Notice filed on the 9 February 2024, the claimant appeals the Order of Ian Karet (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge), sitting in the Business and Property Courts, Intellectual Property List, dated 29 October 2023 that dismissed the claims and certified that “its validity having been contested, UK Trade Mark No. 3539451 was found by the court to be validly registered.”

This is an action concerning trade marks used for pet insurance. The Claimant claims that the Defendants have infringed their registered trade mark VETSURE by use of their sign PETSURE, and they applied for a declaration that the First Defendant’s registration for PETSURE is invalid.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Re: D-S (children)

By an Appellant’s Notice filed on 16 May 2024, this is an appeal against the decision of HHJ Tolson KC, sitting in the Family Court, dated 25 April 2024. The applicant is the local authority, who appeal against the refusal of their application for a Placement Order.

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Court 1 Rolls Building

Court 17 Rolls Building