Circuit Bench Retirement: Jones / Ymddeoliad – Mainc y Gylchdaith: Jones

RetirementCircuit JudgeWales

His Honour Judge Gareth Jones retires as a Circuit Judge with effect from 25 November 2023.

Background information

His Honour Judge Jones was called to the Bar (Gray’s Inn) in 1984. He was appointed a Recorder in 2003 and authorised to sit as a High Court Judge in 2008. He was appointed a Circuit Judge in 2009 and was the Designated Family Judge for North Wales from 2011 to 2019.

Bydd Ei Anrhydedd y Barnwr Gareth Jones yn ymddeol fel Barnwr Cylchdaith ar 25 Tachwedd 2023.

Gwybodaeth gefndir

Cafodd Ei Anrhydedd y Barnwr Jones ei alw i’r Bar (Gray’s Inn) yn 1984. Cafodd ei benodi’n Gofiadur yn 2003 a’i awdurdodi i eistedd fel Barnwr yr Uchel Lys yn 2008. Cafodd ei benodi’n Farnwr Cylchdaith yn 2009 ac ef oedd Barnwr Teulu Dynodedig Gogledd Cymru rhwng 2011 a 2019.