Message from LCJ and SPT: Judicial Diversity and Inclusion Update 2024
Diversity InformationLady Chief JusticeSenior President of TribunalsReports
We welcome the 2024 update of the Judicial Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2020-2025. The Strategy is nearing the end of its five-year term and will be replaced by a new Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to commence in 2026.
The overarching aim of this Strategy is to increase the personal and professional diversity of the judiciary at all levels by increasing the number of applicants for judicial appointment from diverse backgrounds and by supporting their inclusion, retention, and progress in the judiciary.
This update highlights the positive steps taken in 2024 and sets out the work yet to be finalised in the final year of the current Strategy.
Throughout 2024, much hard work has gone into advancing the objectives of the Strategy. Progress has been made across all areas in encouraging a more inclusive working environment. The coming year will see a continued emphasis on two specific issues: addressing the underrepresentation of black judges and improving accommodations for disabled judges. We will also conduct a review which will focus on the extent to which the objectives set out in the Strategy have been met.
We extend our gratitude to all judicial office holders for their work towards fostering a more diverse and inclusive judiciary. Without your continued dedication and commitment, progress would not be possible. Your energy and collaboration have been the hallmarks of activity over the last year, and it has been great to see judicial office holders from both courts and tribunals getting involved.
We recognise that there is more to be done. We encourage you all to continue engaging with your leaders and colleagues to explore how you can contribute to achieving the objectives of the Strategy. Many of the activities in the update are being developed and implemented at a local level and this next year will offer numerous opportunities for participation and impact.
We would be grateful if you would take time to read this important update. It contains many valuable insights and stands as a testament to the commendable efforts of so many.
The Rt Hon the Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill
Lady Chief Justice of England & Wales
Sir Keith Lindblom
Senior President of Tribunals