Message from the Lord Chief Justice: 2023 judicial diversity statistics
Diversity InformationLord Burnett of MaldonLord Chief Justice
The Judicial Diversity Forum has published the latest statistics in relation to the diversity of the judiciary and of the legal professions which provide the eligible pool of candidates for most judicial roles in the Courts of England and Wales and in the Tribunals.
The report once again shows an increase in the proportion of women within the judiciary and steady but slow progress for some, but not all, ethnic minorities. The proportion of ‘Black’ and ‘Other minority ethnic’ judges has remained the same.
The statistics provide important information against which to review progress on the ambitious objectives of the Judicial Diversity and Inclusion Strategy published in November 2020. Later in the year we will publish an update on how we are delivering against those objectives. I express my thanks to those who have worked to assist with the implementation of the strategy and encourage all judicial office holders to continue to engage with the many diversity and inclusion initiatives which are taking place across the judiciary now and in the future.
The Rt Hon the Lord Burnett of Maldon
Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales