Council of Employment Judges (CEJ)

The Council of Employment Judges (CEJ) is the official judicial association for Employment Judges. CEJ represents Salaried and Fee-paid Employment Judges in the following jurisdictions:

* The Employment Tribunal in England and Wales,

* The Employment Tribunal in Scotland, and

* The Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment Tribunal of Northern Ireland.

Our Committee has representatives from each region and nation, a representative of the Regional Employment Judges and from the fee-paid judges to represent their concerns.

We meet regularly with the Presidents of each jurisdiction, with the Tribunal’s Forum and through the Tribunal’s Forum with the Senior President of Tribunals and with the President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal. With each of them we raise the concerns of and promote the interests of our members. We also represent our members in consultations relevant to our jurisdiction. 

Each year we have an annual conference to discuss issues relevant to our areas of work.

Those employment judges who wish to join can do so here: or use the QR code: