Work of the Employment Tribunals
Here you will find information about the work and responsibilities of the Employment Tribunals. We hope you find the information useful, whether you are a litigant, representative, member of the legal profession, or simply curious about the way in which the Employment Tribunals operate.
Please note that the Employment Tribunals are an independent judicial body and cannot give you legal advice. You can read more about sources of advice in the ‘Further Information’ section.
What are the Employment Tribunals?
Learn about what the Employment Tribunals do and what kinds of cases are heard
How are cases decided?
Find out how claims are decided and challenged in the Employment Tribunals
Who sits in the Employment Tribunals?
Find out who sits in the Employment Tribunals
How are cases listed and administered?
Find out how cases are listed and administered in the Employment Tribunals
How should I communicate with the Employment Tribunals?
Find out how to correspond with the Employment Tribunals