Experts in the Family Justice System (EFJS)

This page contains information relating to experts working in the family justice system, with the aim of encouraging more health professionals to provide their expertise to the family court.

The final report of the Working Group on Medical Experts in the Family Courts (PDF) was published on Thursday 5 November 2020.

EFJS Committee

Terms of Reference (PDF)

Membership (PDF)

Regional committees (PDF)

Regional Committees – Terms of Reference (PDF)


Experts Symposium – 16 October 2024

Save the date for the FJC Experts Symposium due to take place on 16 October in Cardiff. This will be a hybrid event for judiciary, medical professionals, medical students, legal practitioners, social workers and allied professions. Please see further details on the upcoming events page.

February 2024

Child Protection Training Day: Report Writing and Preparation for Court (Free event)

Venue: Cardiff, University Hospital of Wales (In-person and spaces are limited)

The Wales Experts Sub-Committee of the Family Justice Council, is holding an in person all day free event on Tuesday 20 February in Cardiff, Wales. The event is suitable for ST4 – ST8 paediatric trainees.

The course aims to develop your report writing skills, focusing on the conclusion of a report and the key information that should be included. The training will be delivered by Consultant Community Paediatricians and a Barrister from 9 Park Place Chambers in Cardiff, all with extensive experience in Child Protection. There will be a mixture of presentations, small-group discussions and a practical court exercise (simulated cross-examinations by the barrister).

For further information and details to register please click here.

July 2023

The Wales Experts Sub-Committee of the Family Justice Council, are holding their next CPD event remotely on Wednesday 19 July 2023 from 5-6pm. The event is suitable for any medical, health or legal professional who is currently or may wish to be involved in child cases before the Family Court.

The Speaker: Prof. Owen Arthurs, Consultant Paediatric Radiologist Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital
Title: ‘Becoming a court instructed expert – how to get started’
Date: 5-6pm on Wednesday 19 July 2023
Venue – MS Teams

All are welcome, but it may be of particular interest to NHS medics considering taking on the role of expert witness.

To Register for the event please complete the online form by Monday 17 July.

For further details of the event please contact:

June 2023

The EFJS London sub-committee are organising a one day event on “How to get started” as an expert witness.

It will be held in London at the RCJ on Friday 23 June at 9am, all welcome. You can register for the one day event on getting started as an expert witness on Eventbrite (external).

November 2022

The Family Justice Council hosted a Webinar on Wednesday 16 November 2022 entitled ‘How hot IS the water? Tips for dipping a toe into Family Court work as an expert witness’.

It was chaired by Mr Justice Nick Francis. The speakers Dr Mair and Dr Alison discussed their own personal journeys into expert witness work, reflecting on some of the changes and challenges that they have observed over the years.

Watch the livestream recording of the event: FJC Webinar: How hot IS the water Tips for dipping a toe into Family Court work as an expert witness – YouTube

PowerPoint slides for the event ”How hot IS the water? Tips for dipping a toe into Family Court work as an expert witness” (PowerPoint).

Speakers biographies for Dr Alison White and Dr Mair Edwards (PDF).

October 2022

The Family Justice Council held its Experts Committee Symposium: The Long and Winding Road on 12 October 2022 at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Watch the live stream presentations from Mr Justice Williams, the President and other conference speakers.

October 2021

Experts Sub-Committee event and video (opens in a new tab)

Due to the over-subscription of the previous webinar in March 2021, the Experts Sub-Committee of the Family Justice Council held a re-run of the previous event and invited anyone who missed out on the one held in May to attend.

Court Experience Scheme

The court experience scheme is for those considering becoming an expert in the Family Court. Find out more about the scheme.


18 March 2022

Committee on Experts in the Family Justice System Newsletter: Spring 2022 (PDF, opens in a new tab)

Mr Justice Williams introduces the newsletter, which will provide news on the activities of the FJC Committee.

Committee on Experts in the Family Justice System Newsletter: Autumn 2021 (PDF, opens in a new tab)

First edition of the newsletter from the FJC Committee