

At its January 2024 Council meeting, the Civil Justice Council (CJC) approved the creation of a working group on enforcement. 

Call for Evidence:

The Enforcement Working Group has launched a Call for Evidence, which will close on 16 September at 11:59pm.

Read the Call for Evidence

Responses should be submitted by PDF or word document to CJCEnforcementCfE@judiciary.uk

Please use the word document template for your response and name your submission as follows: ‘name/organisation – CJC Enforcement CfE’.

As part of the process, the working group will be holding three webinars via MS Teams. The format of each webinar will be the same.


  1. HHJ Karen Walden-Smith (chair) – Circuit Judge member of the CJC
  2. Senior Master Cook – Judiciary
  3. Nicola Critchley – CJC member
  4. Tessa Wearing – MoJ
  5. David Parkin – Enforcement Conduct Board
  6. DJ David Robinson – District Judge member of the CJC
  7. Charles Roe – UK Finance
  8. Emily Whitford – Stepchange
  9. Alan J Smith – High Court Enforcement Officer Association

Terms of Reference

The CJC’s statutory functions include (a) keeping the civil justice system under review, and (b) considering how to make the civil justice system more accessible, fair, and efficient. The working group will seek to understand policy landscape for enforcement and identify and recommend to CJC areas of further inquiry if necessary.