Costs and Funding
Papers by the CJC
Contingency Fees Report
Following the publication of the Civil Justice Council’s second paper on “The Future Funding of Litigation – Alternative Funding Structures” (June 2007), further research has been carried out into the contingency fee system used in the United States of America.
Improved Access to Justice
This paper is the second in a series of papers prepared by the Civil Justice Council under the title “The Future Funding of Litigation – Alternative Funding Structures”. It looks in greater detail at Recommendations 10, 11, 13 and 15 contained in the first paper, and is published as formal advice to the Lord Chancellor.
The Civil Justice Council conducted a study relating to the funding of civil claims and proportionality of costs. This paper sets out the CJC’s conclusions and recommendations to improve the costs system in civil cases along with the reasoning behind the recommendations.