Diversity and Inclusion
The Diversity and Inclusion working group will be an open-ended working group which offers a Diversity and Inclusion lens across a range of FJC developments. This will mean considering the work of the FJC from a range of perspectives, including but not limited to; age, gender, sex, sexuality, disability, faith, ethnicity, literacy and economic background.
Kate Thomas (Chair)
Dr Samia Bano
Dr Beverley Barnett-Jones
Vinice Cowell
Dr Andy Hayward
Prof. Rosemary Hunter
Natalia Schiffrin JP
Barry Tilzey
Terms of Reference:
- The Diversity and Inclusion working group will be an open-ended working group of the FJC which offers a Diversity and Inclusion lens across a range of FJC developments. This will mean considering the work of the FJC from a range of perspectives, including but not limited to, age, gender, sex, sexuality, disability, faith, ethnicity, literacy, and economic background.
- FJC Guidance developed in other groups will be considered by the Diversity and Inclusion working group, with a focus on whether there are any elements of the guidance which have not considered a different aspect of diversity and may impact the applicability of that guidance for some individuals.
- The Diversity and Inclusion working group members will consider how new work streams of the FJC can reflect diversity and inclusion principles.
- The Diversity and Inclusion working group may propose producing guidance at times, when a particular need is identified.
- The Diversity and Inclusion working group will signpost other members of the FJC to any particularly useful practice guidance, research and case law which they become aware of, which may be of assistance to the FJC and its members, in addition to what is already available and most commonly referenced (in particular the Bench Book and the Advocates Gateway Toolkit).
- The Diversity and Inclusion working group will consider how best to recruit new members to the FJC in a way which actively invites a diverse range of applicants, aimed at increasing diversity and a breadth of perspectives across the FJC.