Neurodiversity within the Family Justice System


To consider support and access issues specific to all users of the family justice system (FJS) who are neurodiverse, most notably with ASD/ASC (Autism) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder), from a multi-disciplinary viewpoint.

Develop FJC Guidance for legal practitioners and Family judiciary, with a view to:

  • Increasing awareness of the needs of individuals who are neurodiverse. 
  • Promoting best practice to address the specific challenges faced by  neurodiverse FJS participants.


Jenny Beck KC (hons) and Vinice Cowell (Co-Chairs)
Dr Fiona Straw
Kate Thomas
Maud Davis
Angela Frazer-Wicks
DJ Julian Hussell
HHJ Esther MacLachlan
Bernadette MacQueen
Dr Sheena Webb

Terms of Reference:

The guidance would aim to :

  • Identify specific challenges to neurodiverse individuals within the FJS
  • Consider and recommend any practical adaptations which could improve access for participants in the FJS
  • Provide a brief summary of key research/case law/best practice examples
  • Consider how courts and professionals in the FJS respond to these challenges, including examples of existing good practice
  • Consider existing training to embed best practice and  recommend and signpost to additional training resources

We recognise the difficulty in defining neurodiversity and would address this in the guidance.

This guidance will signpost other guidance and support but will focus specifically on Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Conditions (ASD/ ASC) and ADHD.


Family Justice Council Guidance on Neurodiversity in the Family Justice System for Practitioners was published on 30 January 2025.


The group started in July 2023 and will publish its first piece of guidance in January 2025. The first piece of guidance will be for legal practitioners and will be followed by guidance for Family judiciary later in 2025.