Voice of the Child


To provide advice to the Family Justice Council on enhancing the participation of children within the Family Justice System.


Kate Thomas (co-chair)
Jenny Beck KC (hons) (co-chair)
Vinice Cowell
Maud Davis
Louise Duckett
Angela Frazer-Wicks
Ruth Hay
Dr Andy Hayward
HHJ Rachel Hudson
DJ Stewart Hughan
Prof. Rosemary Hunter
DJ Julian Hussell
Caroline Little
Beatrice Longmore
Beverley Sayers
Natalia Schiffrin

Terms of Reference:

  • Identify and deliver projects, for endorsement by the Family Justice Council and inclusion in the Business Plan, on how the family justice system can listen more effectively to the Voice of the Child.
  • Delivery of other projects referred to the working group by the Family Justice Council.
  • FJC Guidance developed in other groups will be considered by the working group, with a focus on whether the voice of the child has been considered and is represented.
  • Report to the Family Justice Council on issues referred to the Council for advice; and on issues within the above remit that the working group considers should be brought to the Council’s, or to any of its sub-committees’, attention.