School visits – case studies

See a selection of stories below covering visits by judges to schools as part of our Schools Engagement Programme.

You be the Judge: the Sentencing Council’s new interactive platform launches, July 2024

Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, the Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales; Lord Justice William Davis, the Chairman of the Sentencing Council of England and Wales; and Her Honour Judge Khatun Sapnara, Diversity and Community Relations Judge, visited King’s Academy Prospect in Reading to launch ‘You be the Judge’ (YBTJ); an interactive platform created by the Sentencing Council, and supported by the Judiciary of England and Wales.

To read the full article:

Lady Chief Justice school visit to Mercia School in Sheffield, June 2024

Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the Hill, the Lady Chief Justice of England & Wales, visited Mercia School in Sheffield to meet students and talk to them about the work of judges, the justice system and the rule of law. She was accompanied by the Recorder of Sheffield, HHJ Jeremy Richardson KC.

To read the full article:

Judge visits school for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month, June 2023

Regional Tribunal Judge (RTJ) Rosemary Lloyd met pupils and watched them put Goldilocks on trial – under the stern gaze of the three bears – when she visited a school as part of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month. Regional Tribunal Judge (RTJ) Rosemary Lloyd was joined by a representative of the National Justice Museum on the visit to Naburn C of E Primary School, near York, which is close to a large Traveller site and where about half the pupils are Irish Travellers. 

To read the full article:

Lord Chief Justice visits Maldon as part of the Schools Engagement Programme, March 2023

Lord Burnett of Maldon, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, visited Plume Academy in Maldon to meet students and talk to them about the work of judges, the justice system and the rule of law. He was accompanied by HHJ Sandy Canavan, HHJ Karen Walden-Smith, Tribunal Judge Ita Farrelly and magistrate Dippy.

To see the full article, visit:

Lord Chief Justice visits college in Swansea as part of the Schools Engagement Programme, January 2023

The most senior judge in England and Wales visited Gower College in Swansea to give students the chance to hear about the work of judges, the justice system and the rule of law.

To see the full article, visit:

Judges visit CTK Emmanuel Sixth Form to discuss Black History Month, October 2022

Her Honour Judge Barbara Mensah, His Honour Judge Kwame Inyundo, Employment Judge Adenike Balogun and Employment Judge Andrew Zimuto visited Christ the King Emmanuel Sixth Form College in Lewisham to speak to students about their respective careers in the judiciary and to discuss Black History Month.

To see the full article, visit: Judges visit CTK Emmanuel Sixth Form to discuss Black History Month – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

His Honour Judge Jinder Singh Boora talks about his work with The Princes’ Trust Work Mentoring Programme at Saltley Academy, July 2022

Judge Jinder Singh Boora speaks about his work as a mentor at Saltley Academy, Birmingham, which he visits on a fortnightly basis to deliver interactive sessions with Year 8 students: ‘It’s been a marvel to witness just how much change young people can achieve through such a small commitment on my part.’

To read his full account, click here: His Honour Judge Jinder Singh Boora talks about his work with The Princes’ Trust Work Mentoring Programme at Saltley Academy – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

The Lord Chief Justice visits Jesmond Park Academy in Newcastle as part of the Schools Engagement Programme, May 2022

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Burnett of Maldon, visited Jesmond Park Academy where he delivered a talk to students as part of the Schools Engagement Programme. He used the visit to launch the new animation below which explains the rule of law and the importance of independent judges.

The full article is available here: The Lord Chief Justice visits Jesmond Park Academy in Newcastle as part of the Schools Engagement Programme – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

The Lord Chief Justice visits Barnsley Academy as part of the Schools Engagement Programme, March 2022

Students at Barnsley Academy had the opportunity to ask questions about the work of judges, the justice system and the rule of law. The Lord Chief Justice shared the vision of this initiative, saying: “Our school engagement programme aims to make the judiciary more accessible, and we hope it inspires young people to consider a career in law and become the judges of the future!”

The full article is available here: The Lord Chief Justice visits Barnsley Academy as part of the Schools Engagement Programme – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

Our full news page is available here: News and updates – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.