Commercial Court News

The judges of the Commercial Court regularly take part in academic and market discussions concerning current and future trends in the development of English law, frequently participating in seminars and events.

Find out more about the Court’s news and events below and read more in the news archive.

3 February 2025

Mr Justice Waksman addressed a Joint COMBAR/TECBAR/Chancery Bar Association talk on “Consistency in judicial decision-making: a worthy goal or an impossible dream?” on 3 February at Ashworth Centre Lecture Theatre, Lincoln’s Inn.

14 January 2025

Mr Justice Henshaw gave the introductory keynote speech at a COMBAR outreach event at Gray’s Inn. The event was the annual workshop and reception for mentees who have been accepted onto COMBAR’s social mobility mentoring scheme.

10 January 2025

Mr Justice Henshaw spoke at a seminar in Dublin on pre-trial and trial management. The other participants and attendees included President David Barniville (President of the High Court of Ireland), Mr Justice Mark Sanfey (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court of Ireland), Mr Justice Denis McDonald (previous Judge in Charge of the High Court of Ireland, now a member of the Court of Appeal of Ireland), Ms Justice Niamh Hyland (a member of the Court of Appeal of Ireland, and convener of the seminar) and other members of the Irish judiciary.

11 December 2024

The minutes of the latest Commercial Court User Group Meeting (December 2024) are now available.

5 December 2024

Mr Justice Foxton, Mr Justice Waksman (the Judge in Charge of the Technology and Construction Court) and Mr Justice Michael Green (of the Chancery Division) spoke at an event organised by the London Solicitors Litigation Association on: “The Business and Property Courts: What Has Changed and What Will Change”.

29 November 2024

Cambridge Handbook on Private Law and Artificial Intelligence

On 29 November 2024, Mr Justice Foxton chaired a seminar organised by the Oxford University Obligations Discussion to mark the publication of the Cambridge Handbook on Private Law and Artificial Intelligence.

The seminar featured presentations discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on the law of tort, liability for automated vehicles, establishing causation, the attempt to create a new data producer’s property right and the impact on employment law. The event was hosted by Wadham College, with an in-person and online audience.

11 November 2024

Bristol Business and Property Courts Forum

Mr Justice Henshaw (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court) chaired a Bristol Business and Property Courts Forum event. Talks were given on arguability and other issues concerning freezing orders arising from the decision in Unitel S.A. v Isabel dos Santos [2024] EWCA Civ 1109 (Christopher Stoner KC); the duty of full and frank disclosure (Lottie Mallin-Martin); and persons litigating in more than one capacity (HHJ Paul Matthews KC); followed by a Q&A session.

7 November 2024


On 7 November 2024 as part of Pro-Bono week CLF, GC100, SIFoCC and National Pro Bono Centre took part in a round table breakfast with the Commercial Court’s Judges.

30 October 2024

Manchester Business and Property Courts Forum

On 30 October 2024, Mr Justice Henshaw (the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court) and Mr Justice Foxton attended an event organised by the Manchester Business Property Courts Forum. The event featured a talk by Mr Justice Foxton on “The Big Freeze – The Rise and Rise of the Mareva Injunction” (PDF).

25 October 2024

Professor Jill Poole Memorial Lecture

On 25 October 2024, Mr Justice Foxton delivered the 8th Professor Jill Poole Memorial Lecture at Aston University, Birmingham.

The lecture is delivered annually by members of the legal profession and hosted by Aston Law School.

Each lecture is held in memory of Aston Law School’s first Dean of Law, Professor Jill Poole, and focuses on a topic or an issue within commercial law. Professor Poole was Dean of Aston Law School from 2009 until she died in 2016. She published widely on commercial law, including multiple editions of textbooks on contract law with Oxford University Press, and was recognised as an inspirational teacher, scholar, and mentor.

Mr Justice Foxton’s lecture was entitled “’When Everything Changes’: Adapting Contracts to Fundamental Changes in Circumstance”. An article based on the lecture will be published in the Journal of Business Law.

21 October 2024

West Gate building opens in Leeds

The Lady Chief Justice and Heidi Alexander MP (Minister for Court and Legal Services) formally opened the new West Gate building for the Business and Property Courts in Leeds and Leeds Employment Tribunals. The event was also attended by the Chancellor of the High Court, Mr Justice Henshaw (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court) and Mr Justice Waksman (Judge in Charge of the Technology and Construction Court).


On 21 October 2024 Mrs Justice Cockerill took part in a webinar hosted by the European Law Institute on Third Party Funding of Litigation.

7 October 2024

Mr Justice Henshaw gave the keynote speech at the PRIME Finance annual conference in London on 7 October 2024.  The speech was entitled “The Elusive Misrepresentation”, and focussed on understanding of/reliance on alleged misrepresentations in financial products cases

1-2 October 2024

Mr Justice Henshaw took part in Dublin International Disputes Week. 

He participated in a judicial panel discussion chaired by David Barniville (President of the High Court of Ireland) about current procedural issues, arbitration, mediation and AI in commercial cases, alongside Ms Justice Roberts (Irish Commercial Court), Kathaleen McCormick (Chancellor, Delaware Court of Chancery) and Patrick Sayer (President, Tribunal de Commerce, Paris). 

Mr Justice Henshaw also took part in an event organised by Arbitration Ireland and other groups on “Winds of Change, Trends in Construction, Energy and International Arbitration”, hosted by  William Fry LLP, which also included a ‘fireside chat’ about Mr Justice Henshaw’s role and background.

26 September 2024

Business and Property Courts event in Birmingham

Mr Justice Zacaroli, Mr Justice Michael Green, Mr Justice Henshaw and Mr Justice Foxton attended an event organised by the Birmingham Business and Property Courts Forum on 24 September.

The event introduced Mr Justice Michael Green as Mr Justice Zacaroli’s successor as Supervising Judge for the Business and Property Courts, Midlands, West and Wales Circuits, and Mr Justice Henshaw as Mr Justice Foxton’s successor as Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court.

Mr Justice Foxton delivered a talk entitled “Ten Great Courtroom Dramas and What We Can Learn From Them” (PDF), following which there was a networking event at which the Judges met local judges and practitioners. This was the third event organised by the Birmingham Business and Property Courts Forum.

Judges and attendees at the Business and Property Courts event in Birmingham.

19-20 September 2024

Mrs Justice Cockerill participated in a Symposium organised by the Cambridge Private Law Centre at Selwyn College Cambridge to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

13 September 2024

Mrs Justice Cockerill participated (remotely) in a conference organised by Roma Tre University on Third Party Funding in the EU.

17 July 2024

The minutes of the latest Commercial Court Users Group meeting (June 2024) are now available to view on the judicial website.

6-8 June 2024

Sir Julian Flaux (Chancellor of the High Court), Sir Keith Lindblom (Senior President of Tribunals), Henshaw J, HHJ Brian Cummings KC (Liverpool, criminal), HHJ Paul Matthews (Bristol, civil) and UTJ Judith Gleeson participated in the biennial colloque of the Franco-British-Irish Judicial Co-operation Committee, in Edinburgh, which also included senior judges from France, Scotland and Ireland. 

The topics discussed included the law relating to the ‘gig’ economy, climate change litigation and the role/abolition of juries in serious sex cases.” 

A summary of the event can be found on the Biannual meeting of the Franco-British-Irish Judicial Cooperation Committee (FBICC) webpage (external link).

4-7 June

London International Disputes Week 2024

A number of judges of the Commercial Court participated in events at London International Disputes Week between 4-7 June 2024. LIDW is an annual event, now in its fifth year, held to celebrate London’s role as a global centre for all forms of dispute resolution and to explore topics of interest to the global disputes community.

Mr Justice Henshaw, who takes over as Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court on 1 September, chaired a panel discussing “Exploring the global landscape for enforcement of judgment and awards” at the main conference on 4 June.

Mrs Justice Cockerill was a member of a panel discussing “Disputes funding: predictions for the future” at the main conference on 4 June.

Mr Justice Robin Knowles was a member of a panel discussing “Lawyer (mis)behaviour in international arbitration” on 5 June.

Mrs Justice Cockerill also spoke at an event on “Hague-19, cross-border-enforcement and England and Wales’s position in international dispute resolution” on 6 June.

7 May 2024

The Commercial Court hosted its latest judicial/academic/practitioner seminar on Tuesday 7 May 2024, The topic was Professional Negligence. The event was chaired by the Lady Chief Justice. The academic contributor was Professor Janet O’Sullivan of Selwyn College, Cambridge. Mrs Justice Dias took the judicial slot and Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC represented practitioners. The seminar was a hybrid event, taking place in person at Ashworth Centre, Lincoln’s Inn, and also online. More details on the event poster (PDF). The papers presented are accessible below.

26 April 2024

Mr Justice Henshaw appointed Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court List.

20-21 April 2024

On 20 and 21 April 2024 the fifth Full Meeting of The Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts (SIFoCC), took place in Doha. The delegation for England & Wales comprised of the Lady Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls and the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court. The subjects for roundtable judicial discussion included AI, the relationship between Courts, arbitration and mediation, case management, corporate legal responsibility, commercial litigation and arbitration funding, and transnational judicial cooperation. Find out more on the SIFoCC webpage.

16 April 2024

Mr Justice Henshaw gave a speech to COMBAR  entitled “What next for London arbitration” (PDF).

11 April 2024

Talk to the London Solicitors Litigation Association

On 11 April 2024 Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, gave a talk to the London Solicitors Litigation Association entitled “’Blue on Blue Litigation’: When the Funder and the Funded Fall Out (PDF)”. The talk looked at the various types of dispute which can arise between those who fund litigation and the parties they fund.”

10 April 2024

On 10 April Mr Justice Bright chaired an event on s. 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996 organised by the London Shipping Law Centre. Registration is available on the Forum’s website.

Mr Justice Foxton gave a lecture to the London Solicitors’ Litigation Association on 11 April 2024 entitled: “Blue on Blue” Litigation: When the Funder and the Funded Fall Out”. The lecture was hosted in the auditorium at Hogan Lovells LLP.

19 March 2024

Visit to Cardiff

On 19 March 2024, Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, visited the Circuit Commercial Court in Cardiff, meeting judges and court staff. The Judge gave a talk, kindly hosted by the School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University, on “Rugby and the Law (PDF)”, attended by law and BPC students and young practitioners. The talk was followed by a Q&A session at which Mr Justice Foxton and His Honour Judge Andrew Keyser KC, the Circuit Commercial Judge for Wales, and the Principal TCC Judge in Wales answered questions from the audience. The evening finished with networking.

14 March 2024

The Commercial Court Report 2022–2023 (Including the Admiralty Court Report) has been published today. Read the article on the website.

12 March 2024

Visit from Singapore judiciary to discuss AI

On 12 March 2024, Mr Justice Foxton (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court), and Mr Justice Meade (Judge in Charge of the Patents Court) met a delegation from the Singapore Supreme Court – Justice Aedit Abdullah (a Judge of the Supreme Court) and Mr Tan Ken Hwee (Chief Transformation and Innovation Officer at the Supreme Court) – to discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the work of the judiciary. The delegation also met Mr Justice Robin Knowles, lead judge for the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts.

11 March 2024

Bristol Business and Property Courts Event

On 11 March 2024, Mr Justice Zacaroli, (Supervising BPC Judge for the Midland, Western and Wales Circuit) and Mr Justice Foxton (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court) presented a talk, hosted by the University of Bristol at the Baroness Hale Moot Court, entitled “A Litigation Playlist: 10 Songs That Rocked the Court (PDF)”.

The event was chaired by the Chancellor, Sir Julian Flaux, and is the first in a series of events intended to promote the work of the Business and Property Courts at Bristol, and to provide a forum for local practitioners to meet. The event was attended by a live audience of nearly 60, and was also available via an online link.

16 February 2024

During the week of 12-16 February the Judges of the three Rolls Building jurisdictions welcomed four students from the Sutton Trust’s Pathways to Law programme. The students sat with judges in court and discussed the work of the courts and legal careers with the judges and judicial assistants.

21 February 2024

Arbitration Bill Committee: Mr Justice Foxton and Mr Justice Henshaw gave evidence to the House of Lords Special Public Bill Committee on the Arbitration Bill on 21 February 2024. A video of the Arbitration Bill Committee session can be found here.

31 January 2024

During January the Admiralty Judge issued a Practice Note on Assessors’ Remuneration and the Judge in Charge of the London Circuit Commercial Court issued a Practice Note on value of claims and transfer out of lower value claims.

24 January

On Wednesday 24 January at 4.45pm, Mr Justice Waksman spoke at the Junior COMBAR lecture at Lincoln’s Inn Lecture Theatre. The lecture was entitled “Woods, Trees and the Big Picture: The Art of Judgment”.

17 January 2024

Mr Justice Foxton and His Honour Judge Pelling KC attend event to mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Irish Commercial Court

Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, and His Honour Judge Pelling KC, the Judge in Charge of the London Circuit Commercial Court, were guests at an event held in Dublin on 17 January 2024 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Irish Commercial Court. The event was organised by the Irish Commercial Court and the Commercial Litigation Association of Ireland (“CLAI”) and took place in the Four Courts.

The event was chaired by Mr Justice McDonald, the Judge in Charge of the Irish Commercial Court. Mr Justice Peter Kelly, who played a key role in establishing the court and was the court’s senior judge for its first 10 years, explained the reasons why the court had been created, and the steps taken to bring the court into being. These included a visit to the Commercial Court in London and a meeting with the-then Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, the late Mr Justice Colman. There were also speeches from Mr Paul Gallagher SC, a commercial barrister and former Attorney General of Ireland, Ms Helen Kilroy, chair of the CLAI and one of Ireland’s leading mediators, and Mr Rossa Fanning SC, the current Attorney General of Ireland. Judges also attended from France and Scotland.

16 January 2024

Mr Justice Foxton speaks at COMBAR social mobility workshop

On 16 January 2024, Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, gave the opening address at a workshop organised by the Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR). The event was attended by 125 individuals who have been selected as mentees by COMBAR for its mentoring scheme and offered insights into a career as a commercial barrister and guidance on how to navigate the pupillage process.

The COMBAR scheme invites applications from those who would or might be interested in a career at the Commercial Bar but are members of groups that are currently under-represented in the profession. Eligible applicants are then assessed by reference to “need” for mentoring and “potential” to succeed at the Commercial Bar. Successful applicants are allocated a mentor at one of 24 participating COMBAR sets and are provided with one-to-one mentoring sessions over the course of the scheme year where the mentor can give guidance on pursuing a career at the Commercial Bar. The scheme also organises the annual workshop and reception.

7 December 2023

On 7 December Mrs Justice Cockerill spoke at a European Circuit seminar at the Civil Justice Centre in Manchester on Cross Border Issues in Civil Litigation. Her topic was “The Impact of Sanctions on Cross Border Litigation”.

4 December 2023

Commercial Court participates in the Bridging the Bar 2023 Outreach Programme.

The Commercial Court was delighted to participate in this year’s Bridging the Bar (“BTB”) Outreach Programme, following the success of last year’s pilot. The programme ran for the week of 20 November, with interns shadowing judges, attending a variety of court hearings and participating in out-of-court workshops. Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, hosted one of the interns, and was one of the judges who participated in the equality and inclusion session.

BTB is a charity, founded in July 2020, that aims to support aspiring barristers from a range of statistically underrepresented groups at the Bar. For more information on the work of BTB visit their website.

28 November 2023

On 28 November the Commercial Court Users Group meeting was held. Mr Justice Foxton updated users with the latest statistics for the Court, along with other news on managed cases, listing and paper applications issues and forthcoming events from the Court and SIFoCC.

See the minutes of the November 2023 meeting – Commercial Court User Group meeting – November 2023 minutes.

13 November 2023

On Monday 13 November, Mr Justice Waksman spoke at the Global Class Actions Symposium at De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, Keynote Address.

9 November 2023

On Thursday 9 November, Mr Justice Waksman spoke at the Manchester Business and Property Forum Lecture at Manchester University: “Contractual Discretions: Where are we now?”

2 November 2023

On 2 November, Mr Justice Henshaw chaired a panel entitled “Living alongside sanctions – a historic year in review and where do we go from here?” arranged by the London Shipping Law Centre and Reed Smith LLP at Reed Smith LLP The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2RS and online.

25 October 2023

On 25 October Mr Justice Foxton (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court) and Mr Justice Nicklin (Judge in Charge of the Media and Communications List) gave a lecture to COMBAR: “Article 10: What Commercial Lawyers Need to Know”.

16 October 2023

Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, visited the Liverpool Circuit Commercial Court on 16 October 2023.

The Judge met young solicitors and law students at an event hosted by the School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool. He gave a speech on “The Beatles and the Law” in the Brett Lecture Theatre, in the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre at the University of Liverpool. A copy of his speech can be read online.

The event was jointly organised by the Liverpool Business and Property Courts forum and the School of Law and Social Justice, and is one of a series of events organised by the School to celebrate the 130th anniversary of law at the University of Liverpool.

10 October

On 10 October, Mr Justice Henshaw was a panellist at the London Shipping Law Centre roundtable discussion on The Final Report on proposed Reform of the Arbitration Act.

5 October

Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, delivered a speech at ICC UK’s 100th anniversary conference on 5 October 2023. The theme of the conference was “Promoting the Rule of Law”. Mr Justice Foxton’s speech, on “The Role of Court”, can be read online.

3 October

Mrs Justice Cockerill was the keynote speaker at Global Arbitration Review’s GAR Live London Conference at Drapers Hall, speaking about the profile of arbitration challenges in the Commercial Court

3 October

Updates to the 11th edition of the Commercial Court Guide and to the 2022 edition of the Circuit Commercial Court Guide have been published. You can find both guides on the following link: Updates to the Commercial Court Guide and Circuit Commercial Court Guide.

28 July

Judge Doosun Baek, a Judge of the Seoul Central District Court (International, maritime and business division), visited the Commercial Court and the Technology and Construction Court on 26 and 28 July. The Judge sat with Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, and with Mr Justice Waksman, and met with Michael Tame and listing office staff.

27 July

On 27 July Mr Justice Picken spoke to the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association.

19 July

London Shipping Law Centre Young Maritime Practitioners Webinar

On 19 July, Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, and His Honour Judge Pelling KC, the Judge in Charge of the London Circuit Commercial Court, participated in a hybrid seminar/webinar on shipping litigation in the London Circuit Commercial Court and the Commercial Court.

14 July

From 10-14 July 2023, London hosted SIFoCC’s 4th Observation Programme, with support from ROLE UK. The Programme, arranged by the global forum of the world’s commercial courts, enables six member countries each to nominate a judge to spend an intensive week with the judiciary and legal community of a single host country.

This time the judges nominated were from Bahrain (its first female commercial judge and member of its Supreme Judicial Council), Pakistan (which is actively developing its regional commercial courts and their expertise to support arbitration), Rwanda (the Vice President of the Commercial High Court was nominated), Sierra Leone (with new commercial courts established since ebola), Sri Lanka (which is developing Port City) and Zambia (whose appellate judges played a significant part at SIFoCC’s most recent full meeting in Sydney).   

The nominated judges sat in on hearings of the Commercial Court and of the Technology and Construction Court and the Chancery Division, including the London Circuit Commercial Court and IPEC, and discussed the conduct and outcome of those hearings. They discussed a range of issues at separate meetings with the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court (Foxton J), the Master of the Rolls (Sir Geoffrey Vos), the Chief Justice-elect (Carr LJ), the Vice President of the KBD (Dingemans LJ), and others. They spent time behind the scenes with court staff, and received judicial briefings on every stage in commercial litigation. The relationship between the Court and arbitration and mediation was of close interest, and supported by discussion with leaders from the profession and by a roundtable at the International Advisory and Dispute Resolution Unit at 3VB. The week included a roundtable with internationally focussed legal charities, time with Government officials, and a closing dinner held by the City of London.

6 July

At the invitation of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University, Mr Justice Andrew Baker chaired the judging panel for the final of the International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot competition (“IMLAM”), at Trinity House in London. IMLAM is a competition for university law schools organised by the Murdoch University, Perth (Western Australia). This year’s event (hosted by the Swansea Institute) was the first time it has been held in the UK for 10 years.

20 June 2023

Unjust enrichment in the Commercial Court

Webinar hosted by the Commercial Court on 20 June 2023 from 5.15-7pm UK time (4.15-6pm GMT).

Some of the papers for the seminar are attached:

For details, see the event flyer (PDF).

15 June 2023

On 15 June 2023, Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, chaired a panel discussion organised by the Financial Services Lawyers Association discussing “Trends in Financial Litigation”. The seminar took place in the Lecture Theatre at the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.

14 June 2022

Professional Negligence Bar Association

At the invitation of the Professional Negligence Bar Association, Andrew Baker J spoke at an evening seminar on 14 June 2023 about the experience to date of CPR PD 57AC (trial witness statements in the Business and Property Courts, which has been in force since 6 April 2021), alongside Marcus Smith J, who spoke about CPR PD 57AD (disclosure in the BPCs, which has been in force since 1 October 2022, taking over from the ‘Disclosure Pilot’ (former CPR PD51U)). Full details on the PNBA website. An interesting panel discussion followed involving both judges and Thomas Grant KC, PNBA Chair, moderated by Nico Leslie, a member of the PNBA Executive Committee.

13 June 2023

Mr Justice Bright chaired a London Shipping Law Centre event on “Enforcement of Letters of Indemnity, Misdelivery and the Post-Discharge Application of the Hague/Hague-Visby Rules”.

25 May 2023

Judge in Charge of the Commercial Courts meets with Manchester Circuit Commercial Court judges,  practitioners and young lawyers

Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, visited the Manchester Circuit Commercial Court on 18 and 19 May 2023.

The Judge met young solicitors and barristers at an event hosted by Addleshaw Goddard LLP. He gave a speech, also hosted by Addleshaw Goddard LLP. His speech, on “James Bond and the Law”, has been published. The event was one of a number organised by the Manchester Business and Property Courts forum.

On 19 May 2023, the Judge heard a half-day injunction application in the Manchester Circuit Commercial Court.

15-19 May 2023

London International Disputes Week 2023

The third annual London International Disputes Week (LIDW 2023) took place between 15 and 19 May 2023, with a series of seminars and events organised around the theme “Adapting to a changing world”. Five Commercial Court judges participated in LIDW 2023 events:

Mr Justice Calver was a panellist for the discussion “What types of corporate claim does the panel expect to see increase over the next 12-18 months due, in large part, to the geopolitical and economic conditions and to what extent might those conditions affect the manner in which parties seek to resolve disputes?”. This event took place from 10am on Thursday 18 May at the offices of Kirkland & Ellis (30 St Mary Axe, London).

Mrs Justice Cockerill was a panellist for a discussion on “Greenwashing” in which “the panellists will explore key drivers of greenwashing complaints, the challenges faced by those under increasing pressure to define and explain their sustainability plans (including against the backdrop of rapidly evolving reporting guidelines) and the associated litigation trends as we are observing them around the world.” This event took place from 16.30 on Wednesday 17 May at the offices of Latham & Watkins (99 Bishopsgate, London).

Mr Justice Robin Knowles participated in the international judicial conversation entitled “As the world changes: the role of the judiciary, in their words”. This event, which was organised by LIDW and the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts, took place from 2pm on 16 May at the main conference venue (Northumberland Avenue, London).

Mr Justice Picken spoke at the Franco British Lawyers Society round table. This event took place from 8.45am on 17 May at the offices of Irwin Mitchell (40 Holborn Viaduct, London).

Mr Justice Waksman was a member of the panel discussing “Looking to the future: how will the metaverse and AI change practice?” This event took place from 4.10pm at the main conference venue. He was also a member of the panel discussing “The role of the TCC in shaping the past and future of technology disputes”. This event took place from 8.30am on 18 May at the International Disputes Resolution Centre.

In addition, a number of the judges of the Commercial Court attended the Opening Reception for LIDW 2023 in the Great Hall of the RCJ from 6pm on 15 May, which was jointly organised by LIDW and the Commercial Litigators’ Forum in aid of the National Pro Bono Centre.

18 April 2023

The Commercial Court annual report 2021-2022 has now been published. It is available for download.

28 March 2023

Visit from Judges and Case Management Officers from the Investment and Trade Court of Qatar

Find out what was discussed during the two-day visit hosted by the Commercial Court.

SIFoCC Panel Event hosted by the City of London

The Forum met to discuss its work and impact to date, and possible areas for future engagement.

15 March 2023

Judge in Charge of the Commercial Courts meets with Leeds Circuit Commercial Court judges, practitioners and users, and with young lawyers and law students

Mr Justice Foxton, the Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, visited the Leeds Circuit Commercial Court on 14 and 15 March 2023.

Together with His Honour Judge Klein, the Judge met pupil barristers, trainee solicitors, apprentices and paralegals at a lunch hosted by BPP University Law School, and later a tea hosted by Parklane Plowden Chambers.

In the evening, Mr Justice Foxton gave a speech to the Leeds Business and Property Courts Forum, once again hosted by BPP University Law School, which was attended by a combined “in person”/remote audience of over 100. This is one of a series of events organised by the Leeds Business and Property Courts forum.

On 15 March 2023, the Judge heard a half-day application in the Leeds Circuit Commercial Court, in CC-2022-LDS000015, Holmes v Cox and others.

8 March 2023

Round up of Commercial Court February events/speeches:

On 6 February at 6pm, Mr Justice Bright chaired a London Shipping Law Centre hybrid seminar on “Enforcement of Letters of Indemnity, Misdelivery and the post-discharge application of the Hague/Hague-Visby Rules”.

On Wednesday 1 February at 5.30pm, Mr Justice Jacobs participated in a hybrid seminar organised by COMBAR on service out of the jurisdiction entitled “Are You Being Served? – Problems of service on the shop floor”. The seminar is open to Combar members only.

21 February 2023

Practice Note in relation to PD51O (PDF)

31 January 2023

Round up of Commercial Court January events/speeches:

  • On 16 January, Mrs Justice Cockerill participated in a seminar on “Wellbeing at the Commercial Bar” organised by COMBAR. The other panel members are David Joseph KC, Oliver Caplin and Lucy Burrows
  • On 18 January, the Chancellor (and Supervising Lord Justice of the Commercial Court) delivered a lecture “Disclosure in 2023 and beyond. Best practice, the do’s and don’ts and the Court’s expectations
  • On 25 January, Mrs Justice Cockerill interviewed Lord Hoffmann: “Lord Hoffmann: in conversation with a reasonable man”. The interview is available to view now on YouTube (external link).
  • On 26 January, Mr Justice Foxton participated in an event organised by the Law Society and the City of London Law Society hosted by Allen & Overy LLP on the amendments made to the CPR gateways for service out of the jurisdiction. The other speakers were Tom Montagu-Smith KC, who chaired the sub-committee of the Civil Procedure Rules Committee which formulated the amendments, of which Mr Justice Foxton was a member, and Sarah Garvey
  • On 30 January, Mr Justice Foxton participated in a seminar “Legal Biographers on their subjects: Judges” at the LSE. The other panellists were Hilary Heilbron KC and Dr Victoria Barnes.

26 January 2023

On 26 January 2023, Mr Justice Foxton gave evidence to the House of Lords Special Public Bill Committee on the Electronic Trade Documents Bill.

The Bill reflects the Law Commission’s Electric trade documents: Report and Bill (Law Com No 405) which will render certain trade documents in dematerialised form capable of possession (and the application of legal doctrines which follow from that).

You can read the Law Commission’s report online (PDF). The evidence before the Special Public Bill Committee (which is chaired by Baron Thomas of Cwmgiedd PC) can be viewed on Parliament TV (external link).

13 December 2022

The Chancellor (and Supervising Lord Justice of the Commercial Court) Sir Julian Flaux delivered the COMBAR Annual Lecture 2022 on Wednesday 16 November on the subject of “Is commercial litigation going green? Environmental and greenwashing claims and how they will shape the law.” The Chancellor’s talk is available on the judiciary website.

Mr Justice Henshaw chaired a London Shipping Law Centre seminar on the Law Commission Consultation Paper on the Arbitration Act 1996 on 15 November 2022. Mr Justice Waksman spoke in Manchester on the subject of “Loss of a Chance: its proper scope and application” with Andrew Grantham KC on 25 November.

30 November 2022

Commercial Court User Group Meeting – November 2022 (Word document)

Please read more about the topics discussed at the meeting.

28 November 2022

Bridging the Bar and the Commercial Court

In March 2022, Bridging the Bar (BTB) and the High Court / Court of Appeal agreed to collaborate on a pilot work experience programme for aspiring lawyers from statistically under-represented backgrounds at the Bar. This scheme will see eight to 12 BTB participants assigned to a Judge and supported by their Judicial Assistant(s) in the High Court / Court of Appeal for a paid five-day work experience placement. Read more on the Education, diversity and social mobility webpage.

7 November 2022

SIFoCC meeting in Sydney, 20-21 October

On 20-21 October 2022, the world’s commercial courts gathered to discuss some of the most important international themes in commercial dispute resolution.

These included an integrated approach to litigation, arbitration and mediation; tackling complexity; addressing conflicts between jurisdictions; and the future of corporate legal responsibility in the context of climate change.

The 4th full meeting of the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts (SIFoCC) was jointly hosted, physically and online, by the Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of New South Wales. England & Wales were represented by the Lord Chief Justice, the Senior President of Tribunals and the Master of the Rolls.

Find out more information about SIFoCC, and find out more about SIFoCC’s fourth full meeting (external link).

For information about SIFoCC’s fourth full meeting, please see the website.

28 October 2022

Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court meets with Newcastle Circuit Commercial Court practitioners and users. Find out more about the visit and read Mr Justice Foxton’s speech ‘Football and the Law’.

17 October 2022

On 27 September 2022 Mr Justice Andrew Baker chaired a seminar hosted by the London Shipping Law Centre “Know your Limits”, an exploration of recent case law on limitation of liability; while Mrs Justice Cockerill addressed the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association on the subject of Commercial Advocacy on 21 September 2022. You can read her LCLCBA speech online (PDF).

11 July 2022

Appointment of Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court

Mr Justice Foxton has been appointed Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court.

30 May 2022

Commercial Court User Group Meeting – May 2022

Please read more about the topics discussed at the meeting.

18 May 2022

Speech by Mr Justice Foxton: Gray’s Inn and City of London Law Society Joint Annual Lecture

Hear more about ways to assist the enforcement of English court judgments.

9 May 2022

Lunch and speech celebrating commercial litigation in Liverpool

How Liverpool and its businesses connect to the history of the Commercial Court.

8 April 2022

The latest London Circuit Commercial Court users’ committee meeting minutes

Please read the attached minutes of the LCCC Users Group.

30 March 2022

Practice Note: Commercial Court

Note concerns time estimates and conduct of hearings.

14 March 2022

Speech by Mr Justice Foxton: Edmund King Memorial Lecture

Find out more about cross-channel influences in the law.

28 February 2022

Commercial Court annual report 2020-21 published

Find out about the work of the courts this past year and the impact of current events.

11 February 2022

Judge in Charge meets with Newcastle Circuit Commercial Court practitioners and users

Mrs Justice Cockerill talks about her links to the area and the court’s’ history.

3 February 2022

New editions of the Commercial Court Guide and Circuit Commercial Court Guide published

New Guides update practices and align the approach of the courts.

21 December 2021

Commercial Court introduces new trial listing practice ahead of the publication of the 11th edition of the Commercial Court Guide

Please see how the Practice Note might affect your judicial role.

17 December 2021

Speeches given by Commercial judges in Leeds BPC Forum and to LCLCBA

Find out more about the events involving the Commercial Court.

1 December 2021

Commercial Court User Group Meeting – November 2021

Find out what topics were discussed in the latest meeting.

25 November 2021

Updated with video: Mrs Justice Cockerill delivers fifth annual Jill Poole Memorial Lecture at Aston University

Find out more about Contractual Estoppel – the case for coherent principles.

November 11, 2021

Commonwealth Commercial Courts – Establishing the new normal

Virtual seminar brings together judicial office holders around the globe.

November 2, 2021

Commercial Court events available online

Watch the YouTube video and read the latest speech online.

13 October 2021

Commercial Court celebrates its 125th anniversary with a dinner hosted by the City of London

Speeches were given by the Lord Mayor, Lord Wolfson and the Lord Chief Justice.

October 7, 2021

Speech by the Lord Chief Justice on the 125th anniversary of the Commercial Court

Read Lord Burnett’s full Guildhall speech.

15 September 2021

Remote hearings guidance to help the Business and Property Courts

Update for the Chancery Division, Commercial Court and Technology and Construction Court.

16 June 2021

Speech by Mrs Justice Cockerill: Learning our ABC’s: Thoughts about Commercial Dispute Resolution After Brexit and COVID

Read the Judge’s speech to the Dispute Resolution Forum 2021.

10 May 2021

Commercial Court User Group meeting – April 2021 minutes

See the minutes of the April 2021 meeting.

25 March 2021

Sharing best practice in commercial courts at the 3rd full meeting of SIFoCC

Find out more about the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts virtual meeting.